Entries in tablets (61)


The Apple Beat: Reviewing the First Year under Tim Cook 

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

With the unenviable task of successfully steering Apple Inc. to new heights just a year after he took over from late founder Steve Jobs,  CEO Tim Cook has delivered on Apple's most eventful product year yet while continuing to make the tough decisions that keep Apple ahead of the competition.

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SourceCode: 7-inch Android tablets fighting it out in the $150 space

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

I remember forking over $649 for a first-generation 16GB  Samsung Galaxy Tab (granted it was a WiFi + 3G version) back in 2010, I also bought a 64GB BlackBerry PlayBook in 2011 when these were discounted for $300 and was all too happy to pay $250 for a quad-core Nexus 7 earlier this year. Now Lenovo and Samsung are offering their entry-level 7-inch tablets at $150 in time for the holiday shopping season.

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Review: Surface with Windows RT

Updated on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 1:39PM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Updated on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 1:14AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

One of the most intriguing devices to come out this year, Microsoft’s Surface tablet is Redmond’s answer to the iPad, its big play in the tablet OS space as well as a peek into the future of Windows.

Microsoft’s Surface tablet is the first computing device designed and built by Microsoft. We’ve seen tablets before and we’ve seen notebooks but the Surface exists just within the boundaries of these two types of devices.

Is it as good as or better than tablets or notebooks, or is it just full of compromises. That’s what I tried to find out.

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Tomorrow is iPad mini day

Apple's much anticipated iPad mini finally makes it to stores tomorrow. The WiFi variant of the 7.9-inch tablet was open for preorders last week but all of those have been spoken for and are sold out. The only way to get a new iPad mini is by going to an Apple Retail Store and those will open at 8 a.m. Have your heart set on the 4G LTE+WiFi models? Those aren't coming until the end of the month. If the fun-size iPad isn't your cup of tea, the new 4th generation iPad with that blazing new A6X processor hits stores as well.