Entries in Verizon (15)


Verizon’s servers link us to the HTC One M8 for Windows

We all know HTC is holding an event on August 19th and we’re getting more information that they are unveiling the Windows Phone version of the HTC One M8. A Verizon URL links to an image of the phone, which shows the HTC One M8 with Windows Phone UI on it. There are no comments from HTC or Microsoft about the device so we don’t know the features and specs of the device just yet. We can assume that it has similar specs to the Android version such as quad-core processor, 5-inch display, BoomSound speakers, etc.

Source: Ubergizmo


Intel pulls plug on internet TV due to lack of content deals

Chip maker Intel announced back in February 2013 that the company will try their luck in the Web TV market. Now, the company is reportedly planning to sell off the Intel Media business unit to Verizon. Why did things change?

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich told Recode that the project wasn’t getting the necessary content deals despite the product being a “great device” equipped with “great technology.” “When you go and play with the content guys, it’s all about volume. And we come at it with no background, no experience, no volume,” he said.


Verizon CEO denies Canadian market entry

Looks like Verizon won’t be posing a threat to Canada’s “Big Three” carriers (Bell, Rogers, and TELUS) as Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam dispelled rumors that the New York-based telecoms giant was setting up shop here. 

The statement was made by McAdam during a phone interview with Bloomberg after Verizon bought out Vodafone’s 45 percent share in Verizon Wireless for $130 billion—not only giving them full control of the United States’ most profitable mobile phone operator but making this the biggest acquisition in the US in over a decade.

“Verizon is not going to Canada,” McAdam said. “It has nothing to do with the Vodafone deal, it has to do with our view of what kind of value we could get for shareholders. If we thought it had great value creation we would do it.”


Billboard preempts still unlaunched Lumia 928, mentions best low-light camera

Looks like someone let the cat out of the bag early. The oft discussed but still officially unlaunched successor to the Lumia 920 Windows Phone from Nokia has apparently been put up in a blllboard for all to see. The Verizon billboard shows the Lumia 928 product shots that look similar to previous leaks but the real gotcha here is the claim of 'the best low-light smartphone camera.' Has Nokia managed to improve on the already stellar camera of the Lumia 920, will we see more PureView magic once this new device is released?

Source: My Nokia Blog