Entries in video streaming service (12)


Get suggestions on what to watch next on streaming sites with MightyTV

Stumped over what to watch next? iOS app MightyTV will help you pick out what to watch on the various streaming media services you subscribe to. You can tell the app what services you subscribe to or if it’s on your phone, it’ll find it on its own. Afterwards, register using your Facebook account and get started. Taking inspiration from Tinder gestures, you can swipe right to like, swipe left to dislike, swipe up to skip, tap to get more info and a preview, tap the “Watchlist” icon to add it your list, and tap the play icon to select episodes to watch now. This app is useful for bringing in one place all the things you want to catch. Unfortunately, there isn’t an Android version of the app just yet.

Source: Lifehacker | Download: Apple App Store (Free)


Netflix to crack down on VPN users

Netflix will not be taking kindly to VPN users now. After launching in over 190 countries, Netflix plans to take a more proactive approach in blocking VPN users who spoof their location to get access to content not licensed  in their country. 

The company is said to be using "evolving" proxy detectors, which are reported similar to what other firms do. Those who don't use proxies should not see any difference with how they use the service. They don't take issue with account sharing, though. What they are discouraging is VPN use. Netflix has promised they're working on bringing their entire content library to everyone. But with the Netflix Everywhere launch, that might take some time. 

Source: Netflix | Via: Engadget 


Netflix promises no third-party ads will be coming to its service anytime soon

A report has surfaced the Netflix was planning on adding pre- and post-roll ads to its original shows. Thankfully, the company is quick to deny the possibility. According to a Netflix spokesperson, third-party ads won’t be coming to their platform. The company said that what it’s done for a while now is tease Netflix originals with short trailers after finishing watching a show. Some members of the service are seeing limited test run of these teasers. But that doesn’t automatically dictate that the service will implement it.

Source: BGR + Gizmodo


Netflix announces price hike for new members in the US, no word on price increase in Canada yet

Netflix has announced its plans to raise prices for new members in the US by a dollar or two later in the quarter but they did not specify whether they would do so in other countries as well. Huffington Post Canada tried to reach Netflix for a comment but they have not gotten back yet. The company has previously raised prices in Ireland from €6.99 to €7.99 for new members earlier in the year so it won’t be a surprise if it makes its way here. 

The company aims to improve its offerings with the price increase. As stated in a letter to shareholders, "In the U.S. we have greatly improved our content selection since we introduced our streaming plan in 2010 at $7.99 per month. Our current view is to do a one or two dollar increase, depending on the country, later this quarter for new members only. Existing members would stay at current pricing (e.g. $7.99 in the U.S.) for a generous time period. These changes will enable us to acquire more content and deliver an even better streaming experience."