Entries in viral (2)


HTC America just released a rap video

Innovating more than just the mobile space with their often excellent but under appreciated mobile devices, HTC showing some hustle and flow marketing its brand with the above video titled "Doc G's HTC Anthem "Hold the Crown" w/ David Bruce. The video itself feels rather low budget but is a fun thing to watch. It praises HTC's features while throwing shade at rival smartphones. If you like the song enough, download it here.


Flappy Bird App to go extinct as developer aims to take it down

Highly addictive and constantly at the top of the iOS App Store as well as Google Play, Flappy Bird might get taken down by its owner and developer because it is getting too much attention. Explaining that the surge in popularity of the app has led to unwanted attention,  developer Dong Nguyen has gone on Twitter and said he wants to take the game down from the app store. "Give me peace," Nguyen stated, pointing out that the press has been giving the app too much attention. Nguyen plans to focus on other games and isn't interested in the future of Flappy Bird.
