
Amazon releases Kindle for Mac

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Amazon just released Kindle for the Mac which brings searching, buying and reading eBooks to the Mac OS. Customers who have Kindles can now sync and transfer books they own to their Macs. More information after the break.

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Nexus One super-smartphone now available to Rogers subscribers

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Great news today for those of us who have been waiting for Google's Nexus One super-smartphone to hit the Canadian border. You can now order a Google Nexus One  from Google for US $530.00 that will work on the Rogers Network (Nexus One phone (GSM 3G 850/1900/2100MHz). More info after the break.

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iPad pre-sales begin, accessories announced

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple began accepting orders from its US customers for the upcoming iPad tablet which will begin shipping on April 3rd in America (WiFi versions only). So far over 121,000 orders have reportedly sailed through online and those with lighter wallets but hopeful hearts are counting down the days.


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Review: Canon Rebel T2i/ 550D Digital SLR


By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Compact, quick and able to shoot 18 Megapixel stills or HD video, Canon's top level Rebel has made some early impressions. We've had the camera for about a week and have enjoyed putting it through its paces. Is it really a mini 7D? Not quite, but its an extremely versatile performer that makes taking pictures and video fun.

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