
Motorola's MOTOBLUR debuts in Canada

Motorola Canada  announced that MOTOBLUR, its revolutionary social service for Android-powered devices, is coming to Canada with all three national wireless carriers starting with Telus in the first half of 2010. Read on for details and video.

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Oh, woe is Palm

We can't help but feel really bad for Palm, whose situation has apparently gone from bad to worse. This is the company that redefined portable computing with the PDA in the 90's, then pretty muh invented the smartphone soon after that but now the company is sinking because no one is buying their phones, what went wrong?

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MoboVivo's gives iPhone access to on the go TV

MoboVivo has recently had several new iPhone apps for the iTunes store approved. MoboVivo enables content producers and broadcasters to market, transform, and distribute video for mobile, web, and television.

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Canadian retailer Henry's begins selling Canon's Rebel T2i / EOS 550D

Updated on Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 3:53PM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Updated on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 1:29PM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The highly awaited Canon Rebel T2i AKA EOS 550D, the 18 Megapixel DLSR from Canon that also takes 1080P HD video similar to the more expensive Canon 7D has reportedly started selling at Henry's in body only ($899) and with varied lens combinations starting at $999. More after the jump.

The Rebel T2i is described by Canon below and we've also posted some specs for those who want t see all the features and review and test  video from

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