Entries in Adstab (5)


Apple's Holiday ad focuses on what's most important

Oh, look it's another moody teenager buried in his iPhone while life goes goes on around him. Instead of participating in key holiday momenets and bonding with his family, he seem to be sulking and sending Snapchats. But wait, not everything is what it seems. The new holiday ad by Apple is titled 'Misunderstood' and it cleverly reminds us that sometimes the technology isn't as important as how you use it to capture and share the stuff that really matters.


Video: Facebook Home's odd new ad makes me not want to install it

So, Facebook launched Facebook Home last week. Their new Android application that lives on user's homescreens and pushes out updates and chatheads making Facebook's messaging and wall features take over user's smartphones. Now there's a new advertisement that's supposed to generate buzz for the new user-centric application but instead gives us the willies. The advertisement points out just how pervasive and interrupting Facebook can be. It also promotes using your smartphone in a plane even after the flight attendant has asked you to put your phone away.

Video: See the BlackBerry Z10 SuperBowl Ad

The spot is titled "What BlackBerry Can't Do," it is alread the most viewed SuperBowl ad this year. Hit jump for the lowdown on the ad and what it is all about.


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New iCloud ad touts harmony across devices

New advertisement focuses on iCloud's ability to sync music, photos, events, calendars, apps, contacts, and books with connected Macs, iPads, and iPhones. Simple and effective.