Entries in Analysis (6)


The Apple Beat: Apple's 2013 iPhone strategy

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Cupertino, CA - Apple released the new iPhones here this week at an intimate media event in their Apple Campus auditorium.

Apple CEO Tim Cook set things up by announcing that there were now over 700 million iOS devices in the market today and then passed the stage to senior VP of software engineering Craig Federighi, who ran through iOS 7.

iOS 7 is expected to be available for free to users on September 18 and will work for iPhone 4 and later, iPad 2 and later, iPad mini and iPod touch (fifth generation). Some features may not be available on all products.

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The Apple Beat: Apple's post Samsung future Sharpens

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

There have been signs, some subtle and some obvious, that Apple is ready to move away from Samsung as a major supplier of components, displays, memory and storage. Apple has tapped other manufacturers like Sharp, TMSC (for the A5 processor successor) and others to secure components for its product line going forward.

The writing is on the wall. The legal battle between Apple and Samsung is vast and encompasses various countries and focuses on a number of technologies affecting smartphones, computers and most importantly, tablets.

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