Entries in iPhone 5S (22)


Consumer Reports debunks 'Bendgate' through a series of tests

While many might doubt Apple's own claims after showing their testing facilities to several journalists, independent and trusted publication Consumer Reports got on the case of the 'Bendgate' claims and tested both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus as well as a host of other similarly-sized smartphones by applying more than 70 pounds of force to the device's centre.

Their findings? The iPhone 6's aren't as delicate and bendy as some would like you to believe and the iPhone 6 Plus is actually more resilient than the Phone 6.

Other findings, the HTC One M8 was the weakest device found in structural tests being the first to succumb to the torture tests. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was the toughest device in this particular test while the iPhone 5s and the LG G3 were tied at second place. So, the new iPhone 6's aren't the weakest phones out there according to Consumer Reports, "It takes a lot of force to bend these new iPhones and any other phones for that matter," end of story.

Check out their video here.

Source: Consumer Reports via 9to5Mac


Review: SEIDIO's Innocell adds battery life for iPhone5/5S

By Sonya Davidson

I am a heavy user. There. I said it. Some would say I’m addicted to my iPhone5S but most of us are dependent on our mobile devices. We swear it would be the first thing we grab (aside from our family members) in case of an emergency. Here's how Seido's Innocell stacks up to our use case.

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iPhone seeing steady market share gain in the US

At a time where many expected iPhone sales to slow in anticipation of upcoming new models, the iPhone 5s and 5c are seeing a spike in market share in the US. According to Comscore's monthly report on US smartphone market share, Apple's market share went up to 41.9 per cent up from 41.3 per cent in February. This is remarkable considering the iPhones launched late last year and there has since been a flurry of competing smartphone releases from the likes of LG, Samsung, HTC and others.

As for other updates, Android is still the leading OS at 52.1 per cent and Android and Windows Phone market share remained the same as it did in February with 52.1% and 3.4% respectively. BlackBerrys market share is further reduced at 2.3% market share. Since most smartphone manufacturers have already played their hand this year by releasing their flagship models, it remains to be seen how much momentum Apple can ride towards the release of the 2014 iPhone which is expected to be one of the biggest in its history with a new form factor and features coinciding with the release of iOS 8.

Source: GeekWire


Apple's new "Parenthood" iPhone 5s ad tugs at the hearstrings

There's a new advertisement for the iPhone 5s and it focuses on parenthood as well as all the clever apps and solutions that aid parents in their day-to-day lives and challenges as well as rewards of raising children. It's a remarkable ad, so simple yet so full of those great moments that make parenting the most amazing and heartwarming experience for many people.