Entries in mobile (63)


Review: Glove.ly touchscreen gloves

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Some smartphones like the Nokia Lumia 920 allow touch screen control even with gloves on. But for iPhones and the majority of Android devices, users have no option in cold weather but to take theif fingers out of their gloves in order to interface with their devices. We've seen gloves that have capacitive tips, but these are often bulky and generally unattractive. Glove.ly solves the problem with a little bit of style.

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Review: BlackBerry Z10

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

After a long wait and pent-up expectations, BlackBerry's new flagship smartphone arrives with a solid new and modern mobile operating system. The BlackBerry Z10, which is coming to Canadian carriers on February 5, is the nexus of BlackBerry's plan to be the one device for work and for personal use. Here's my take on the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone. I'll be reviewing BlackBerry 10 OS separately in a few weeks.

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BlackBerry 10 Primer: 10 Things You Need to Know

By Gadjo Cardena Sevilla

By this time tomorrow the world will have seen its first glimpse of Research In Motion's new BlackBerry 10 OS as well as the long awaited new smartphones. This is a new era for BlackBerry and a grand gesture to prove that they can bring something to the hyper-competitive mobile and smartphone market they helped define. Here's a primer on BlackBerry 10 and what to expect.


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One week before BB10’s launch and RIM is riding the wave of surging support

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We’re a week away from the launch of the much awaited BlackBerry 10 OS and smartphones from Research In Motion and the excitement is palpable. Like a long banished king making one last rally to reclaim its throne, RIM is charging forward. Loyal BlackBerry users and supporters, long exiled from the mainstream, are gathering to show support. Hit jump to read more about Canadian brands backing BlackBerry as it attempts to make a bold comeback.

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