Entries in Motorola (59)


200,000 Android phones sold daily says Google

Google's Android OS is gaining an incredible amount of momentum and as a result 200,000 phones are being sold every day. Google CEO Eric Schmidt noted that this was double the 100,000 units sold per day just two months ago. “Android is not just phenomenal but incredibly phenomenal in its growth rate.”

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Review: Motorola Backflip on Telus

Motorola Backflip: Innovation in bunchesText and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Of the three recently released Motoblur-enabled Android phones, the Motorola Backflip has received the most attention and rightfully so. In terms of industrial design and functionality, it is hands down the most daring, most innovative and riskiest phone design we've seen in a long while.

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Telus launches HSPA+ service with new smartphones, Motorola Milestone imminent

Updated on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 7:53AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Telus offered a media sneak peek earlier this week, showing off some new handsets to go along with a new and improved network. Gadjo Sevilla was there.


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