Entries in movies (19)


‘Haunting Melissa’ app to spook you on your smartphone

If Sadako of the Japanese film Ringu fame were brought into your mobile devices, this might be what this new app is going to look like. Haunting Melissa, an iOS app from Hooked Media and co-executive producer of the US version of The Ring and The Ring 2, is going to deliver a ghost story to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch in a new way in hopes of keeping up with how technology has altered the way stories or movies are consumed today.

It’s like you’re watching a TV show on iTunes with the film broken into segments of varying length. The app can be downloaded for free and you can opt to purchase per episode (no word yet on the amount of episodes) or get a season pass at $6.99 for SD and $14.99 for HD. You’ll then get to find out what happened to Melissa and her mysterious disapperance after warning her friends about the ghostly presence in the isolated farmhouse where she lived.


Video: A scene from the upcoming Steve Jobs "jOBS" biopic

ET Online got hold of this scene from the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic titled jOBS which stars Ashton Kucher in the title role. This scene shows Jobs and Woz (Josh Gad) about to invent the personal computer for the rest of us. The jOBS biopic which will hit theatres on April 19th and focuses on various moments in the Apple founders life between 1971-2001. Kucher seems to have captured the gait and some of the manners of Steve Jobs, we can also see flashes of the intensity of his character. Another Steve Jobs biopic, to be penned by Aaron Sorkin is also currently under development but hasn't been cast yet.

Source: ET Online


RIM relaunches BlackBerry World store for apps and content

The newly-named BlackBerry World storefront lets customers discover new apps to personalize their BlackBerry smartphone and PlayBook tablet, so they can kick back with some of the hottest entertainment and social networking apps around. When they’re in work mode, they can find great new ways to get access to the information they want and need, and boost their productivity. It all starts on the home screen, where the carousel shows off what’s new and exciting.

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