Entries in opinion (7)


The Apple Beat: Pressure mounts on Apple to make iPhone 7 truly great

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

“Skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been,” that’s a quote by the Great One, Wayne Gretzky, which Steve Jobs referenced during the momentous launch of the original iPhone in 2007.

Jobs continued by saying, “we try to understand as we develop our product road map, what’s going to be exciting in the future. And that’s one of the advantages we have over our competitors. Our competitors tend to put the cross hairs on where we are now, and by the time they come up with a product that tries to match where we are now, we’re beyond them. We’re one or two generations beyond, moving faster than they are.”

That was the spirit of innovation that powered the Apple engine and that’s what made the iPhone such an audacious, brave and, in hindsight, timely invention. But the world has changed and while Apple is still the most valuable company, the pressure is on to see if it is still the most innovative.

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The Apple Beat: Apple's post Samsung future Sharpens

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

There have been signs, some subtle and some obvious, that Apple is ready to move away from Samsung as a major supplier of components, displays, memory and storage. Apple has tapped other manufacturers like Sharp, TMSC (for the A5 processor successor) and others to secure components for its product line going forward.

The writing is on the wall. The legal battle between Apple and Samsung is vast and encompasses various countries and focuses on a number of technologies affecting smartphones, computers and most importantly, tablets.

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Gone Digital for Good

We recently moved both residence and office and were floored to realize how many CDs, DVDs, video games and books we had amassed in a span of five years. As I desperately heaved and hurdled box upon box of media I came to the realization that I was, finally, good and ready to go digital.

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